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Call for Papers


  • Submission Deadline: 30 May 2025, 12.00pm (GMT+8)

       * Abstract received after will not be considered.

  • Announcement of Results: 16 June 2025

  • Confirmation by Authors (through registration): 4 July 2025

Scientific research holds immense significance in advancing knowledge, yet clinical medicine is equally vital in translating that knowledge into tangible benefits for patient care. 

We highly appreciate and prioritize both domains. Therefore, we invite you to submit your abstracts in any of these two pivotal tracks, contributing to the synergistic progress of cutting-edge research and its practical application in clinical settings. Your valuable contributions in these areas will undoubtedly shape the future of geriatric healthcare. 

  • Scientific Research 

  • Clinical Medicine

(choose one only)

To facilitate the submission process and the subsequent follow up process, please consider the following guidelines for submission.

  • All submissions must be original and not been previously accepted for publication.

  • Abstract must be submitted in English, Microsoft Word file (version 2013), font Times New Roman, font size 11 point with a single line spacing.

  • Maximum Title limit: 15 words.

  • Maximum word limit: 350 words.

  • No tables, figures and references are allowed.

  • There is no limit to the number of abstracts you can submit provided that the presenter has registered for the Congress as a participant.

  • There is no limit to the number of authors per abstract; the presenting author should ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of abstract before submission to the organisers.

  • Submission of abstract constitutes the authors' consent for printed and online publication by the organizers. It also warrants that the abstract submitter is the sole owner and responsible for all information and content provided to the organising committee.

  • The decision of the organising committee is final and no negotiation will be entered into with respect to any such decision.

  • Please state the preference of your submission, as follows:

a) Oral presentation

b) Poster presentation

c) Both


You will be notified by e-mail if your submitted abstract has been selected for an Oral presentation or a Poster presentation.

Write the title which reflects the work and result of the research (maximum 15 words, bold, 14pt)
Author1, Author2, Author3 (11pt)
Note: Mark (*) after the name, if it is the corresponding author
1affiliation of main author and address (11pt)
2affiliation of second author and address (11pt)

•    Please state the selected abstract track and preference of your submission (11pt)
•    Please organize the body of the abstract as follows:

- Title
- Background
- Aim
- Methodology
- Results
- Conclusion

The author/s confirm that my/our presentation does not contain any material/s which has been accepted for presentation or published before and that to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, it contains no material/s previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made. I/We also grant the organiser permission to copy the presentation in part or in whole, subject to the usual acknowledgements.

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